White with blue trim, White with pink trim, or solid Black.
Designed by a podiatrist, these are the walking sport shoes that help to combat the effects of plantar fasciitis with a stabilizing orthotic footbed that realigns your feet to a neutral position., Floridau000Au000Au000A Whole and half sizes.bqend {u000A float: right;u000A height: 0px;u000A margin-top: -22px;u000A padding-top: 45px;u000A font-size: 600%;u000A color: #dedede;u000A}u000Acite { float: right; margin-top: 2px; margin-left: 0px; line-height: u000Au000A90%; font-size: 13px; color: #111111; font-style:italic}u000A u000A u000Au000A“I wear these shoes all the time to align my spine and my posture.bqstart {u000A float: left;u000A height: 45px;u000A margin-top: -22px;u000A padding-top: 45px;u000A margin-bottom: -50px;u000A font-size: 600%;u000A color: #dedede;u000A}u000A u000A.