This beautiful hardcover book with updated language for the contemporary reader and reorganized with a logical progression is perfect for everyday use.
Know Thyself: 100 Guided Meditations On Humility of Heart by Father Cajetan Mary Da Bergamo (Adapted) Adapted from Rev. Cajetan da Bergamo's classic Humility of Heart and supplemented with writings from the saints and powerful scripture passages, Know Thyself will reinvigorate you each day in the struggle to be like Christ, to be meek and humble of heart.Do you find it difficult to have regular, deep prayer? | Know Thyself: 100 Guided Meditations On Humility of Heart by Father Cajetan Mary Da Bergamo (Adapted) Spend the next 100 days contemplating, meditating upon, and growing in humility and your problems, your struggles will improve. Struggling to find fulfillment in your work? How can we begin to make ourselves less and God more? If we do not know ourselves if we cannot see our flaws and strengths (but especially our flaws) clearly, how can we grow in virtue? That's the power of humility and that's the power of knowing thyself.