Esper considers over forty of life's common problems, showing how saints overcame these challenges and difficulties, and even grew holier as they did so.
Saintly Solutions to Life's Common ProblemsHelp from saints who suffered and struggled just as you doBeautiful, inspiring, and fortifyingA book to be shared with others! Joseph Esper introduces you to over 350 saints who suffered in ways that you and I suffer every day, and who will bring you, too, to peace! In Saintly Solutions, Fr. | Saintly Solutions to Life's Common Problems by Father Joseph Esper Better yet, he explains how you can, too. In each chapter, Fr. Here's help from the saints on: Anger anxiety argumentativeness boredom broken friendships business difficulties conception and pregnancy difficulties concern for departed loved ones criticism depression distractions during prayer distrust in God doubts drunkenness envy failure false accusations family difficulties financial difficulties gloominess gluttony gossip greed grief guilt illness impatience irritations irreligious children judgmentalness loneliness lust marital problems old age pride self-indulgence spiritual dryness tardiness temptations timidity and aggressiveness uncertainty unforgiveness unpopularity and much more!.