If you're unhappy because the Mass has become for you routine – or even boring and tedious – these pages are for you.
They teach you eight simple ways to make your every Mass a joyful time of piety and intense devotion. About the Author Christopher Carstens is Director of the Office for Sacred Worship in the Diocese of La Crosse, Wisconsin, instructor at Mundelein's Liturgical Institute, editor of the Adoremus Bulletin, and a voice on The Liturgy Guys podcast A Devotional Journey Into The Mass: How Mass Can Become a Time of Grace, Nourishment, and Devotion Transform your prayers at Mass into a conversation with God Learn why the Mass will feel boring if you don't understand it</l.• What you should desire in order to receive the Eucharist most efficaciously (and what that desire presupposes in you) • Coming and going through the church doors: what, each time, it should mean for you spiritually Plus , at the end of each chapter, a list of action items for the next time you go to Mass, and much, much more to awaken in you the bright spirit of joyful devotion that we are all called to have at Mass.