The inner branches and trunk are lined with broad fibers to bolster the conifer’s fullness, a material overused by lesser trees.
u000AUnrivaled Realismu000AAvailable exclusively from Hammacher Schlemmer, it is the only tree with three-dimensional, injection-molded branch tips that replicate the exact growth patterns, curved, prickly needles, and branch silhouettes of a freshly cut Noble Fir. They provide white or multi-colored illumination (red, green, yellow, blue, purple) in one of nine dazzling effects, including flash, twinkle, and fade, operated via a remote control.5' Slim - White Christmas Tree The longer branches are made of 18-gauge wire and easily support large ornaments. The 71/2' tree has 4,400 branch tips, 40% more than typical trees, creating a fuller, more natural looking tree that requires less shaping.