| Generations of Love: Rosary Meditations For Grandparents
Generations of Love: Rosary Meditations For Grandparents Beautiful book of rosary meditations for GrandparentsInspiring meditations about your vocation as a GrandparentGrow closer to Our Lady and affirm your special role in the lives of your children and grandchildrenWonderful gift for GrandparentsGet a glimpse into the heavenly realities of grandparenthood as you come to understand the beautiful and invaluable role you play as parents of parents.With her uplifting insights, author Anne M. Belle-Oudry reminds us that, while grandchildren are undoubtedly among life's richest rewards, grand-parents, too, are an inestimable blessing to their families as they strive to lead their loved ones closer to Christ through their prayers, example and unconditional love.